lunes, 6 de julio de 2020

Brief reflection on China, Hong Kong and the fate of duality

Some analysts claim that the Chinese no longer work for starvation wages and therefore the People's Republic has also been forced to offshoring their production to other Asian countries, therefore, the Chinese model is not as it is painted and the slave labor issue is another conspiracionist exaggeration, from those opposed to globalism.

This reasoning is the typical economicist-materialist reasoning that twins globalist neoliberalism with communist socialism, whose natural convergence is exposed in the two globalist agendas: the western globalist, and the versatile communism agenda led by China.

Gentlemen, China does not make offshoring, exports its model imperially, it is expansionism, it is not only an operation based solely on production cost calculations: the logic of lowering the cost of labor, it’s a subsidiary logic of a model of mercantilist expansion and totalitarian expansion, shared by the two globalist domination agendas.

Slave labor is not only the one that receives a measly paycheck, it is the one that lives in a totalitarian system.

China also make offshoring, because it must control the rate of the upward social transfer, because as good communists they fear the consequences of this, because social ascent does not satisfy, creates new dissatisfactions and therefore always generates social pressure. Social pressure when there is social promotion is like a rubber balloon, you try to squeeze it and it swells up from the sides.

One thing is the social pressure of the poor, which never worries anyone, and another the social pressure of the working and middle class, and Marxists know it, only neoliberals ignore this and believe in fetishes such as "the trickle down".

China, has created concentric circles of absorption and circulation, it’s like a spiral pyramid, a conical pyramid that must be seen from above, where the center, the cusp, the apex, must be the party, and since the center is the party, this is an essentially Leninist, Bolshevik, and therefore fascist logic.

How are these circles of absorption and circulation: the lowest is from the poor of the province to the working class, and this when it reaches a certain level is regulated by inshoring and/or offshoring, and the population that ascends to the middle class is subjected to a very rigorous social control based on technology, his materialistic, status appetite, is stimulated and taken directly to the trap.

And the business class, and also the intellectual class, that is, the by-product "elites" of the dual system, are absorbed by incorporating this group into the Chinese Communist Party, through a careful corporatist system, that is fascist, but this system of social circulation and elite circulation, could have a limit.

And this generates fears in the Communist Party that they are real, the party is not monolithic and cannot be because they, as Marxist-Leninists who are, know very well that the equation "one country, two systems" generates accumulation of wealth and wealth generates power. Can all the rich be tamed by assimilating them to a communist party? Even more so when those rich men have an alternative model, conveniently directed towards an elite totalitarianism, which is the western globalist agenda? Represented in China itself by Hong Kong?

That's why the Chinese Communist Party must apply what it is applying to Hong Kong which is a trial, a laboratory of what it might have to apply in the future, in other parts of China, remember that Chinese planning always derives from a long-term vision, at 20, 30, 50 years.

Therefore globalist Chinese expansionism applies a clearly inshoring-offshoring plan, which is vital to protect the Chinese power system concentrated in the Communist Party, and this is how China also executes the emigration of elites, the emigration of leadership that could generate an alternate power, and eventually a duality of powers.

The phenomenon of Chinese migration elites is in everyone's eyes, it happens everywhere, it is not massive because it is not migration of surplus livestock, it is “dislocation” of elites, they are business contingents, university students. Yesterday just listened about the phenomenon of the Chinese in a city like Milan, precisely the city that concentrates the business and cultural elites of Italy.

Now, the fear that the Chinese dual system will also generate a duality of powers, by the way, a concept that is Leninist and which in turn was at the core of Mao's strategy for his revolution, this fear has already produced a tangible fact: the constitutional change that allows Xi Jinping perpetuation in power, and the logic of this is impeccable, impeccable for Xi Jinping: the new empire needs a new emperor.

And beware if that emperor, in order to show strength, ends up having to ride the tiger. A determinism could emerge here if Xi Jinping turns out to be not extremely popular, not only in the merely political sector but in the neo-bourgeois high society that the party always wanted assimilated to high political society. This is the reason for all the leader rotation after Mao, after Deng Xiao Ping, the party is the important thing, not the leader, the leader must be a fuse.

That is why it is crucial for Xi Jinping to turn Hong Kong into a show of strength and a warning that is not just outwards, it is mostly inward.

And at the same time, we are witnessing an escalation in border disputes, and here are many scenarios to choose from: India, South China Sea, Japan, and this could force certain situations, for example, one where Xi Jinping might be tempted to patriotism, which can serve in many ways, it is always very useful, the problem is that patriotism is the Kryptonite of globalism, and if the emperor changed his costume or stripped naked, he could find encounter several characters waiting for him in the corner.

And at this point I must stop because any attempt for further explanation would be very difficult, when you address the China issue, you will realize “the great complication”, especially since it is an empire aspiring to be a global pole, and the imperial mechanisms are no longer as linear or transparent as in the past, they cannot be.

There is a tendency to think that the global poles of power have physical edges, like the ones you see on the map, but there are political and economic edges, there are tentacles, there are ties, there are areas with all the grays, and above all there are metaphysical, historical, telluric edges, that determine the course of events, more than we think.

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